Bipolar Disorder

  • Licensed therapists, specalized in bipolar
  • No waiting list
  • Fully covered by most insurance

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CBT Therapy for people with bipolar disorder.
Step 1.

Connect with a  therapist

Our CBT therapists help you navigate challenges, develop coping strategies, and empower you to recognize signs of relapse, leading to a healthier, more fulfilling life.
Licensed CBT therapist
Hannah Jones, LCSW
CBT Therapist
Rating (4.97)
Step 2.

Interactive education and tools in between sessions

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps manage bipolar disorder by addressing negative thoughts and behaviors, providing coping strategies, and promoting emotional balance.

Learning modules

Interactive CBT exercises.
Step 3.

15 weeks of therapy, support and skills

Once a week, you will have a 55 minute virtual session, where your own CBT therapist will meet.

Eva Hawthorn

Weekly Bipolar Thrapy
Interactive CBT Homework
Mental Well-being Strategies
Start Plan


Why Byepolar?

The Byepolar program is built on the a highly effective, extensively researched treatment approach for bipolar disorder called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT works by:
1. Helping identify and change unhelpful thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to mood instability
2. Teaching skills to better regulate emotions, manage stress, solve problems and improve relationships
3. Preventing relapse into severe depressive or manic episodes by enhancing awareness of warning signs and implementing coping plans

Who will be my Byepolar therapist?

The Byepolar team consists of licensed therapists specializing in bipolar disorder treatment using CBT. Our clinicians have advanced training and experience in providing compassionate care. We stay up-to-date on the latest evidence-based bipolar treatment practices to deliver the highest quality of care.

Is my personal information secure during a telehealth consultation?

Byepolar is covered under HIPAA. We have strong protocols and measures in place to make sure your private data stays private.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to our friendly support team.
Contact Support